
All events are to be held in Weniger Hall Room 212 (unless otherwise specified)

Friday, April 15th

6:30 pm: Doors open
7:00 pm: Welcome and Orientation session and the reveal of the data set
9 pm: Workshop One: dplyr by Kalbi Zongo
midnight: DataFest closes its doors for the night.

Saturday, April 16th

8:00 am: Doors re-open
9:30 am: Continental Breakfast
10:30 am: Workshop Two: ggplot2 by Matt Higham
12:30 pm: Lunch
2:30 pm: Workshop Three: TBA
4 pm: Tea/Coffee and Cookies
7 pm: DataFest Dinner
midnight: DataFest closes its doors for the night.

Sunday, April 17th

8:00 am: Doors re-open
10:30 am: Brunch
2 pm: Presentations and judging begin
3 pm: Judges deliberate + group photo
3:15pm: Awards ceremony
4:30 pm: DataFest concludes